Bus Driver Positions
Illinois Central School Bus is now hiring drivers for Heyworth!
Must be at least 21 years of age
Must have driver's license at least 3 years with no breaks or suspensions
Must have a good driving record
Must pass a criminal background check/no felony
Must pass a physical including drug test
Competitive wages
On site CDL training for qualified applicants
Bus Contact Info
Our bus transportation is provided under contract with Illinois Central School Bus.
Randy Richards, ICSB Mgr.
410 E. Cleveland St.
Heyworth, IL 61745
309.473.3429 (office)
309.473.3961 (fax)
***We are piloting a "Pay Rider" Option this year where families who do not qualify for free busing can pay for busing as long as there is available space on an existing bus. The fee is $250 for the entire year and must be paid in full before busing begins. We will evaluate this option in the Spring and decide if we will adopt this as a permanent practice. Please contact Superintendent Taylor with any questions by emailing
Frequently Asked Questions About Bus Transportation
Safety Tips for Parents
When students must cross the road to get to their destination, the driver should direct the students. Please do not confuse students by directing them to cross behind a bus or without the driver’s signal.
Students should wait on the sidewalk or curb until the bus comes to a complete stop.
All book bags and personal items should fit on the student’s lap.
Students should NEVER pick up items dropped near a stopped bus.
Large items such as school projects, balloons, band instruments and large bags with wheels should be transported to school by parents. Space is not available for large or heavy items, and they may pose a hazard by blocking emergency exits.
Loose items become projectiles in a collision or sudden stop. Students should keep pencils and other items in their book bags.
Never “chase” the bus in your car if the student did not arrive at the assigned stop on time. The driver may not see a child coming from behind the bus.
Rules for Riding the Bus
Student behavior on the bus is generally the same as expected in the classroom. The primary focus for having rules while riding the bus is to ensure the safety of everyone aboard the bus. In order to maintain that safety, students are to:
Remain seated and facing the front of the bus.
Keep arms and legs out of the aisle and inside the window.
Talk quietly and courteously while on the bus.
Keep personal belongings under control and at assigned seat or where specified by the driver.
Refrain from any behavior that could be a distraction to other riders or the driver.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted on the bus. Animals or any objects that may cause a potential danger to anyone are not permitted on the bus.
Bus Discipline
All incidents will be investigated and handled by the principal in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook.
School Closings
In the event school is cancelled or dismissed early for any reason, parents will be contacted through School Messenger. Please check local media and the District Facebook Page for updates on school closings. Parents are strongly encouraged to have an emergency plan in place in the event school is cancelled or dismissed early in an emergency.